As a pub, restaurant, cafe or take-away…
you have probably suffered the most during the pandemic. Now your margins are being eaten away by greedy delivery companies
It’s time to bite back!
Calls from an affordable advert in the Little Blue Book results in higher margins and soon pays for the initial investment.
The Benefits
- No payments or commission to third parties
- People call when they’re hungry to buy
- Targets older people with high disposable wealth who enjoy eating out or ordering in a delicious treat
- Affordable options to suit all budgets
- Free entry into our online search directory reaching up to 16,000 people each month

The Little Blue Book
- Tracking numbers record every call made from each book to prove your return on investment
- Royal Mail guarantees delivery to 1000s of homes and businesses in your locality
- No wastage, the Little Blue Book is only delivered to potential customers close to your business
- Full of useful local information and maps